RESTORE is a welcome break from all the noise to shed the extra.... EXTRA from the last cycle. This is a seasonal release into the heart of the matter: Your True Self, your life, your integrity - Restored.
Unlike the austere, white-knuckle detoxes of pop culture that tend to be unsustainable and solely focused on weight and what you can or cannot eat, RESTORE is a moment of respite. We focus on intuitively deciding what your body needs in terms of food, simplifying your calendar, reducing all forms of input (such as news, digital media, loud or bright entertainment, complicated meals, etc), and adding in practices that are soothing such as yoga, meditation, walks in nature, and simply star-gazing. Re-learn how to do one thing at a time (deeply): monotasking is the future!
As the seasons shift, you will emerge from RESTORE with your inner world and outer world aligned.
Together, twice a year, we can recalibrate the aim of our daily life in a holistic seasonal ritual that releases outdated habits and reveals our natural connection to positive, upbeat emotions - even bliss.
Your life is short, to drop deeply into the magic of it and make a difference, I invite you into a process of release & renewal through RESTORE.